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Casino Night

Thursday, March 27, 2025 27 Adar 5785

8:00 PM - 11:00 PMBallroom


Sponsorships with Tickets Included

Casino Royale - Presenting Sponsor $7,500
20 Tickets Included.
•    3,000 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino
•    Listed as presenting sponsor on all event communication
•    Name/logo on event website linked to your business site
•    Pre-event - dedicated post with name/logo on social media
•    Post-event - dedicated post with name/logo on social media
•    Name with large logo on entrance signage

Diamonds Are Forever Sponsor $5,000
10 Tickets Included
•    1,800 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino
•    Name/logo on event website linked to your business site
•    Pre-event - dedicated post with name/logo on social media
•    Post-event - dedicated post with name/logo on social media
•    Name with large logo on entrance signage

GoldenEye Sponsor $2,500
6 Tickets Included
•    1,080 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino
•    Name listed on event website
•    Pre-event - Name/logo on social media
•    Post-event - Name/logo on social media
•    Name with large logo on entrance signage

Skyfall Sponsor $1,000
2 Tickets Included
•    720 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino
•    Name listed on event website
•    Pre-event social media acknowledgement with other sponsors
•    Post-event - Name on social media

Sponsorship without Tickets

You can still sponsor even if you cannot attend the event

Drink Sponsor $800
Sponsorship includes:
•    Pre-event social media acknowledgement with other sponsors
•    Post-event social media
•    Sign with logo at Bar
•    Name/logo displayed on a customized cocktail napkin

Blackjack Table Sponsor $750
Sponsorship includes:
•    Name listed on event website
•    Pre-event social media acknowledgement with other sponsors
•    Post-event social media
•    Name/logo displayed at one Blackjack table

Craps Sponsor $750
Sponsorship includes:
•    Name listed on event website
•    Pre-event social media acknowledgement with other sponsors
•    Post-event social media
•    Name/logo displayed at Craps table

Roulette Sponsor $750
Sponsorship includes:
•    Name listed on event website
•    Pre-event social media acknowledgement with other sponsors
•    Post-event social media
•    Name/logo displayed at Roulette table

Do NOT include any tickets you are paying for separately (if any).  Use the next field for paid tickets.

Casino Tickets & Extra Bond Bucks

Single Ticket $150
Includes: Entrance for one individual, 75 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino and open Shaken Not Stirred Martini Bar.

Couples Tickets $275
Includes: Entrance for two individuals, 150 “Bond Bucks” to spend at the casino and open Shaken Not Stirred Martini Bar

   Single Ticket
   Couples TicketTotal number of PAID tickets you are requesting. These are in addition to any tickets included with a  sponsorship.
   108 Bond Bucks ($54)
   180 Bond Bucks + 18 Bonus Bucks (=198) ($90)
   360 Bond Bucks + 36 Bonus Bucks (=396) ($180)
   720 Bond Bucks + 72 Bonus bucks (=792) ($360)
   1,080 Bond Bucks +180 Bonus Bucks ($540)
   1,800 Bond Bucks + 360 Bonus Bucks (=2,160) ($900)
   3,600 Bond Bucks + 900 Bonus Bucks (=4,500) ($1,800)

Tickets and sponsorships are deductible to the extent permitted by law, excluding the value of any goods and services you receive with each ticket you tell us you are using. The value of good and services per ticket will be determined and included in your tax letter for 2025. The full value of unutilized tickets is a deductible donation to the extent permitted by law. Bond Bucks have no tangible value.
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Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785