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Scholar In Residence - Rabbi Daniel S. Nevins

Past Sessions
Saturday, February 10, 2024 1 Adar I 5784 - 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday, February 9, 2024 30 Shevat 5784 - 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Temple Emanuel looks forward to welcoming Rabbi Danel Nevins back to his home congregation. Rabbi Nevins, who worked previously as Dean of the JTS Rabbinical School, is currently Head of School at Golda Och Academy, a K-12 Jewish day school in West Orange. He is also a member of the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, and has a book coming out this year: Torah and Technology: Circuits, Cells, and the Sacred Path.

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming the most significant new technology of the current generation. Modern militaries, including those in the United States and Israel, have been experimenting with AI driven systems. While they have obvious appeal, they also can fail. Even when they perform as programmed, what do Jewish teachings tell us about the morality of machines making life and death decisions? This is also true when driving. We seldom think about the moral dilemmas involved, such as what would you do if forced in an instant to choose between two fatal paths. Can the Talmud solve the “trolley problem”, or is there no solution? 

 The Jewish approach to these AI issues will be explored in two lectures and discussions over Shabbat. A third discussion will explore the topical issue of the moral issues surrounding the redemption of captives. All lectures are free and open to the community. We invite everyone to join in a community shabbat dinner on Friday evening.

Friday, February 9

     6:00 PM         Kabbalat Shabbat Service
     7:00 PM         Community Shabbat Dinner ($36/adult 13+; $18/child 6-12; free/0-5) Register Below
     8:00 PM         Lecture/Discussion: 
                              Are Killer Robots Ever Kosher?


     9:30 AM        Morning Services/Sermon
                            From Goring Oxen to Careening Cars: Applying the Laws of Mishpatim
     12:00 PM       Kiddush Lunch & Lecture/Discussion
                             Pidyon Shvuim—The Jewish Obligation to Rescue Captives
                           in Light of the Current Gaza War


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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784