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Religious School: Curriculum

Curriculum focus:
  • Shabbat and festival observance
  • Torah study
  • Mitzvot: Interpersonal and Religious practice
  • Hebrew reading and key prayer vocabulary
  • Brachot and Tefillot (Blessings and prayers) meaning and mastery
  • Shabbat and Holidays
  • Kashrut (rules of keeping kosher)
  • T’fillah (prayer)
  • Israel contemporary and history
  • Hebrew readingand prayer, and “synagogue skills”
  • Family programs (open to all)
  • Provide for special needs of all kinds

Student Goals:

  • Ability to particiapate in religious services
  • Internalize Jewish values
  • Strong connection to Israel
  • Lifelong commitment to Jewish life at home as part of a congregation and in the world
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784