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Included this year:

  • Rabbinical Assembly Pesach Guide     Go
  • SederMatch     Go
  • Siyyum for the First Born: Bagel Breakfast   Go
  • Burning of Chametz    Go
  • Form to Sell your Chametz    Go
  • Lifelong Learning: Passover 101 & Passover University   Go

Pesach Guide 5784

The Rabbinical Assembly Pesach guide is a brief outline of the policies and procedures relevant to the  preparation of a kosher for Pesach home in accordance with the principles of Conservative Judaism and our understanding of Jewish Law. To download the guide click here.


Are you puzzled by the declaration in the beginning of the Haggadah, where we declare, “All who are hungry, come and eat; all who are needy come and celebrate Passover?” Said at the dinner table, the only people hearing it are those who are already there. Is it a grand invitation made when the truly needy can’t hear it, or more likely one of the many lessons woven into the Haggadah? Opening our homes to Jews in need includes those who would otherwise be alone. Temple Emanuel’s “SederMatch” is the answer. Maybe you are looking for a place to share Seder or maybe you have a little extra room at your Seder table this year. Or maybe you can make some room? Many wonderful friendships have been made at Seder and we will make the right match for you. Call Susan Liebeskind at (201) 666-6696 or email if you would like to be hosted or if you would welcome a guest to your Seder.

Siyyum Study Session & Bagel Breakfast

Monday, April 22, 7:00 am in the TEPV Chapel

It is a widespread custom that the firstborn fast on the day before Pesach. This commemorates the divine protection of the Israelite firstborn during the final plague in Egypt. The obligation for a firstborn to fast on Erev Pesach is absolved by taking part in a Siyyum, the completion of Talmud study. Men and women, regardless of whether they are firstborn children, are invited to join the morning service, study session, and breakfast.

Biur Chametz - Buring of the Chametz

Monday, April 22 at 11:00 am (rain or shine) in the driveway of Cantor Alan & Erica Sokoloff 

After symbolically checking homes on Thursday night for any chametz, all are invited to the home of Cantor Alan & Erica Sokoloff, 54 Indian Drive, Woodcliff Lake, to burn their chametz. Please place your chametz in a small paper bag, one bag per family. Please RSVP to

How to Sell your Chametz

Please fill out the form and return it by Friday, April 19.

Traditionally, any chametz (leavened foodstuffs) not disposed of prior to Pesach is put in a sealed cabinet. It is “sold” in a ritual fashion to a non-Jew. Rabbi Monosov will serve as your agent for the sale so that it may be carried out according to Jewish Law. There is no charge for this service, but it is customary to give tzedakah for Maot Hittim (food for the poor). The tzedakah that is collected will be donated to local food pantries. Please download and complete the form linked below and mail/email it to the TEPV office ( by early Friday morning, April 19. Contributions may be made to “Temple Emanuel – Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund" for charity.

This form can be completed online or printed and mailed. If you email the form, you can mail a check or click the Donate button on the top of this page to make your contribution to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund.

Open/Download the Sale of Chametz Form

Lifelong Learning: Passover 101 & Passover University

Sat, December 21 2024 20 Kislev 5785